CompTIA Train the Trainer (CTT+ / MCT) Boot Camp


Duration: 3 days

CTT+ is highly interactive, participant-driven courses designed to cultivate the technical training and concept delivery skills in trainers, technicians, SMEs, presenters, sales, and support staff in any organization. Students will connect their abilities, theories, and situations to create their most effective instructional styles. This course is accepted by Microsoft and ProSoft towards their MCT, MOUS-MI, and CIW-AI credential. This three-day course also designed to be used as thorough preparation for the CompTIA CTT+ credential. This course prepares students for CompTIA Exam TK0-201 CTT+ Essentials.

This boot camp can be used to prepare you for the following CompTIA Exams

1)CTT+ Essentials – TK0-201

2) CTT+ Classroom Performance Based Exam – TK0-202
2)CTT+ Virtual Classroom Performance Based Exam – TK0 -203


This course is ideal for trainers and presenters from all industries to improve their presentation skills. It offers the additional benefit of fulfilling the presentation skills component as mandated by Microsoft for MCT and CompTIA for CTT+ certification.

What’s included?

  • Authorized Courseware
  • Intensive Hands on Skills Development with an Experienced Subject Matter Expert
  • Hands-on practice on real Servers and extended lab support 1.800.482.3172
  • Examination Vouchers & Onsite Certification Testing- (excluding Adobe and PMP Boot Camps)
  • Academy Code of Honor: Test Pass Guarantee
  • Optional: Package for Hotel Accommodations, Lunch and Transportation

With several convenient training delivery methods offered, The Academy makes getting the training you need easy. Whether you prefer to learn in a classroom or an online live learning virtual environment, training videos hosted online, and private group classes hosted at your site. We offer expert instruction to individuals, government agencies, non-profits, and corporations. Our live classes, on-sites, and online training videos all feature certified instructors who teach a detailed curriculum and share their expertise and insights with trainees. No matter how you prefer to receive the training, you can count on The Academy for an engaging and effective learning experience.


  • Instructor Led (the best training format we offer)
  • Live Online Classroom – Online Instructor Led
  • Self-Paced Video

Speak to an Admissions Representative for complete details

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Adult Learning

Characteristics of Adult Learners
Understanding Learning Styles

Preparing for a Class

Preparing Your Lesson Plan
Chunking Information
Using Icebreakers
Deciding on Presentation Methods
Using Examples and Analogies
Using Humor
Using Visual Aids
Using the Appropriate Visual Aid
Dealing with Varying Skill Sets
Refining Your Plan
Creating a Learning Environment

Delivering the Class

Developing Communication Skills
Using Your Body Effectively
Building Rapport with Eye Contact
Understanding Proxemics
Voice Development
Identification and Correction of Common Voice Problems
Watching Your Vocabulary
Active Listening
Barriers to Effective Communication
Beginning the Training Session
Overview of Questioning
Questioning Techniques
Answering Questions
A Model for Presenting Concepts
Explain the Concept
Demonstrate the Concept
Guiding Exercises
Managing Difficult Behaviors
The End of the Training Session

Feedback and Evaluation

Overview of Feedback
Types of Feedback
Guidelines for Giving Feedback
Questioning Techniques to Elicit Feedback
Encouraging Feedback
End-of-Course Evaluations

Resource Materials and Information

The 14 Competencies
MCT Certification
Learning Style Inventory
Scoring the Learning Style Inventory
Adult Learning Models Worksheet
Sample End-of-Course Evaluation 1
Sample End-of-Course Evaluation 2
Sample End-of-Course Evaluation 3
Sample Self-Evaluation Form
Sample Peer-Feedback Form
Relaxation Exercise
Effective Pauses
Caring for Your Voice
Suggested Books
Magazines and Trade Journals
Web Sites
Trade Organizations

Prepare the Performance Video

Rehearse your video presentation with your real-world training content
Ensure that all IBSTPI competencies have been met
Participate in peer feedback sessions to enhance video preparation
Complete your best-effort 20-minute videotape


1A: Review of Organizational Needs and Learners’ Backgrounds in Relationship to Course Objectives

Demonstrate knowledge of:

Key content points likely to cause learner questions
Points in the content where learner resistance may occur
Objectives and information not specified in the materials but desired by the client or learner
Types of needs assessments, such as surveys or interviews with trainees supervisors
Situations in which it is appropriate to modify learning materials and delivery tools based on commonly accepted practice or theory
Techniques used to adjust instructional activities to meet the needs of the group and the situation
Learning objectives to ensure that content and design retain their original integrity
The content, audience, and/or situation requirements that are learner-centered, rather than instructor-centered
Techniques to ensure that an adequate range of learner characteristics have been addressed (for example, conduct audience analysis)
Instructional design techniques to create customized training
Available instructional resources and delivery tools in the classroom or virtual session room

Demonstrate skills to:

Research additional content information to address potential points of confusion or resistance.
Assess learner’s current skill level and compare results with course prerequisites.
Assess organizational needs for additional learning outcomes.
Analyze the results of a needs assessment of the learner in relation to learning objectives.
Modify learning materials to meet the specific needs of the organization, learner, situation, or delivery tools without compromising original course design.

1B: Instructional Environment in Relationship to Learning Objectives

Demonstrate knowledge of:

Logistical needs before the instructional session (for example, dates of the offering; how materials will be provided (ship to learner or site, send instructions and link to download, space arrangements; adequacy of the facility; equipment; materials; learner registrations; pre-course assignments. For Virtual trainer, this would include creating a session room, sending login instructions to users, setting user privileges, loading, and testing session materials, testing all equipment.)
Logistical needs after the instructional session (for example, equipment and materials are returned, discarded, or made available for their next use; facilities are left in an acceptable condition; problems with the facility, equipment, furniture, or materials are communicated to appropriate authorities. For Virtual Trainer, this includes stopping recording, saving files, closing session rooms, running attendance reports, updating learner status, document session, follow up on technical problems.)
Optimal seating arrangements to provide a viable learning environment consistent with the instructional design
Optimal virtual arrangements to provide a viable learning environment consistent with the instructional design (for example, network connection, tool capability to handle audience size, system check)
Optimal organization of learner supplies, references, and materials (for example, neatly organized and located at each learner’s seat or a convenient central location. For virtual trainers, consolidate emails and files sent to participants.)
Equipment set up techniques that ensure a safe environment (for example, computer terminals; video monitors; power cords, learner emotional safety, for example, appropriateness of chat)
Physical environmental needs to maximize learner comfort and safety (for example, ventilation; temperature; lighting; sound; noise; cleanliness; location of restrooms, telephones; rules for smoking; dress and conduct requirements)
Virtual environmental needs to maximize learner comfort and safety (for example, distractions, popup windows, background noise, mute rules, quiet work zone use do not disturb sign)
Corrective actions that should be communicated to appropriate authorities (for example, assessment of environmental problems that need to be corrected)

Demonstrate skills to:

Review pre-course communications with learners (for example, course announcement, confirmation, description or agenda, and prerequisites and pre-course assignments, system check activity, support/helpdesk information, download instructions for materials)
Alter the recommended physical or virtual classroom set-up according to the specific learner and organizational needs
Confirm timings and logistics for the course (for example, scheduled breaks, meal arrangements, labs, and activities outside of the classroom, time zones for virtual training, materials receipt)
Ensure that learning-related tools and equipment are properly set-up and working, and verify that all learner exercises can be completed as intended (for example, hands-on practice, on-line tool use)
Establish a safe learning environment (for example, physical, auditory, chat, agreements, proprietary client information)
Confirm with learners that the learning environment, both physical and virtual, is comfortable (for example, lighting, sound, conference call or VoIP audio, the on-line tool is functioning well)
Prepare contingency plans for unique class events (for example, fire drill in a classroom, loss of connection, some users not able to view materials)


2A: Selection and Implementation of Instructional Methods

Demonstrate knowledge of:

Instructional methods as described by course designers
Pros and cons of each instructional method
Learning styles associated with adult-learning theory (Malcolm Knowles)
Learning styles such as auditory, kinesthetic, visual
Various learning styles for technical learners
Various learning methods for non-technical content
Techniques for delivering instruction in a classroom environment
Techniques for delivering instruction in a technology-delivered environment (computer-lab)
Techniques for delivering instruction in a virtual environment

Demonstrate skills to:

Use delivery methods as intended by the course designers
Adapt delivery methods to meet a variety of learning styles
Engage learners through multiple delivery techniques as appropriate to the material, the learners and, the situation
Organize and introduce content in a variety of ways (for example, compare and contrast, steps in a process, advantages, and disadvantages)
Identify and implement learning activities that are relevant to the course objectives
Monitor learner comfort level during the use of participatory activities
Stimulate interest and enhance learner understanding through appropriate examples, demonstrations, media clips, slides, anecdotes, stories, analogies, and humor
Use activities that allow learners to contribute to the discussion and review and apply content at appropriate intervals

2B: Use of Presentation and Instructional Media

Demonstrate knowledge of:

Types of media that can be used to support and enhance instructional delivery (for example, a graphic display; text display; handouts, shared computer applications, graphics files supported by the specific virtual classroom software)
Types of media that support and enhance content needs
Pros and cons of each media type
Technology limitations associated with e-learning (for example, use of video where Low bandwidth slows delivery and access to websites that are blocked for some organizations)

Demonstrate skills to:

Use a variety of media/tools to support learning objectives and meet learner needs
Handle minor problems associated with each particular medium
Enhance, substitute or create media as appropriate to support the learning objectives


3A: Instructor Delivery Competence and Content Expertise

Demonstrate knowledge of:

Personal conduct acceptable to clients and learners (for example, timeliness, clothing, grooming, appropriate use of humor and/or language are appropriate to the learners and situation)
Acceptable manners and behaviors for learners
Consistency of values and actions is demonstrated; responsibility is accepted where appropriate without blaming or belittling others, the learning materials, or management (acceptable self-disclosure techniques)
Instructional content (course material)
How learners use course content post-training (analysis of the business needs)

Demonstrate skills to:

Maintain consistent behavior with all learners
Demonstrate confidence with and mastery of subject matter
Provide and elicit from learners practical examples of how knowledge and skills will transfer to their workplaces
Handle relevant learner inquiries on topics for which the instructor has limited expertise
Maintain a positive atmosphere and avoid criticizing other members of the training team, the training materials, or the tools

3B: Instructor Communication and Presentation Skills

Demonstrate knowledge of:

Grammar and syntax (for example, an arrangement of words and sentences logically; proper use of vocabulary)
Colloquialisms, technical terms, acronyms, and organizational jargon used for clarification at the appropriate level for the content and the group
Use of voice (for example, tempo; rhythm; volume: inflection; the rate of speech, use of Audio optimization options
Vocalization (for example, avoidance of distracting expressions and utterances)
Nonverbal communication (for example, eye contact, gestures, silence/pauses, body movement, and facial nuances are used to emphasize and clarify content points)
Technical non-verbal tools such as emoticons

Demonstrate skills to:

Pronounce words correctly at the appropriate tempo and use suitable grammar and syntax, recognizing the potential for an international audience
Explain and clarify content points through inflection, emphasis, and pauses
Ensure verbal and non-verbal communication is free of bias (for example, sexual, racial, religious, cultural, and age)
Employ purposeful pointers, body language and/or vocal intonation to enhance learning and call attention to critical points
Minimize distracting trainer behaviors (for example, playing with an object in hand, making noise with the change in a pocket, or nervously rocking or pacing, excessive mouse movement, the background noise on audio, keyboard noise)
For the classroom trainer, use body language and other non-verbal techniques to minimize or eliminate learner disruptions. For virtual trainers, use private chat and group agreements to mitigate disruptions
Use course overviews, advanced organizers and session summaries at appropriate times to orientate learners and link key learning points


4A: Establishment and Management of a Learner-Centered Environment

Demonstrate knowledge of:

Group dynamics
Group development phases (e.g. Cog’s ladder or Tuckman’s model-“forming, storming, norming, performing”)
Group facilitation techniques (e.g. Block’s process-consultation)
Techniques to engage learners (for example, present, show, question, elicit, personalize, participate)

Demonstrate skills to:

Open a training session in a positive way
Communicate the course plan to the learners
Communicate learner performance objectives as indicated by the course design. Obtain input from the learners about their personal objectives and expectations
Reconcile any discrepancies between learning objectives and learner expectations
Establish an environment that supports learning and maintains focus on meeting stated learning objectives
Establish a learning environment free of bias, favoritism, and criticism that optimizes the productive participation of all the learners
Manage course flow and pace activities based on learner needs while ensuring that all learning objectives are met
Provide opportunities and assistance for learners to identify and achieve initial, intermediate and terminal objectives
Facilitate group dynamics in a positive way, including encouraging interactions that are respectful of the rights of individual learners, and redirecting unproductive digressions
Create opportunities for learners to work with and learn from each other to attain the learning objectives while building individual learner confidence
Handle learner disruptions as discreetly as possible
Use Virtual class tools like Chat and polling to optimize learner contribution
Use Virtual class tools to achieve learning objectives

4B: Promotion of Learner Engagement and Participation

Demonstrate knowledge of:

Active listening techniques
Types and uses of questions (e.g. Merrill)
Pros and cons of each type of question (e.g. Gagne)
Cognitive levels (e.g. Bloom’s taxonomy)
Frequency of elicitation and interactions (avoid student multitasking during sessions)
Understand the value of social learning

Demonstrate skills to:

Use active listening techniques to acknowledge and understand learner contributions
Use a variety of types and levels of questions to challenge learners, involve them and monitor their progress
Use questions that lead learners from recall to application of content
Direct questions appropriately
Create opportunities for learners to contribute to the discussion
Employ activities to encourage learners to ask and answer questions themselves

4C: Assessment of Learners’ Needs for Additional Explanation and Encouragement

Demonstrate knowledge of:

Tools and techniques for determining learners’ need for clarification (e.g. body language, learner questions or comments, asking the learner to perform the application, emoticons, polling/surveying/quizzing, private chat)
Techniques for providing positive and negative feedback

Demonstrate skills to:

Interpret and confirm learners’ verbal and non-verbal communication to identify those who need clarification and feedback
Determine how and when to respond to learners’ needs for clarification and/or feedback
Provide feedback that is specific to learners’ needs
Elicit learner feedback on the adequacy of trainer responses

4D: Motivation and Positive Reinforcement of Learners

Demonstrate knowledge of:

Theories of learner motivation (for example, goal orientation; activity orientation; learning orientation)
Personality and learning style differences of learners
The relevance of learning to job requirements
Techniques for motivating learners (for example, praise, rewards, access to the application)

Demonstrate skills to:

Encourage and match learner achievement to learner and organizational needs and goals
Determine and apply appropriate motivational strategies for individual learners
Plan and use a variety of reinforcement techniques during training
Engage and invite relevant participation throughout the session


5A: Evaluation of Learner Performance during and at the Close of Instruction

Demonstrate knowledge of:

Performance assessment methodology
Need for multiple observations and evaluations of each learner
Need for the same evaluation standards across learners
Evaluation techniques including both formative and summative
Post-course support methods to communicate with learners

Demonstrate skills to:

Monitor learner progress during training
Develop, select, and administer appropriate assessments that are in compliance with recognized and accepted measurement principles
Gather objective and subjective information that demonstrates learner knowledge acquisition and skill transfer.
Compare learner achievements with learning objectives
Suggest additional training or resources reinforce learning objectives

5B: Evaluation of Instructor and Course

Demonstrate knowledge of:

Methods to evaluate instructional delivery
Types of evaluation (e.g. Kirkpatrick’s levels of evaluation)
Legal requirements associated with preparing reports on learners
Organizational requirements for end-of-course reports
Required record-keeping of individual learner activity and behavior, such as attendance

Demonstrate skills to:

Evaluate the success of the course design, including modifications made during delivery
Critique one’s own preparation for and delivery of a training event
Evaluate the impact of external influences on the training event
Evaluate the effectiveness of the training to meet the learning objectives
Use evaluation results to adjust and improve one’s own performance in the next training event
Prepare a report documenting end-of-course information
The report recommended revisions and changes to existing materials and suggestions for new programs and activities, as appropriate
Report information about learning, physical and virtual environments
Submit reports to customers in accordance with contractual agreements or requests